Special features in the WIPP-conversations

Home visits have an extraordinary touch and the WIPP surveys reflect this feature, too.

Remarkable are the small curiosities that appear in the interviews:

  • There was an interview in an apartment, where was no network reception, so the visitor had to go to the balcony to activate the RedCapCloud before and after the conversation to send off the guide.
  • During an interview a woman, regardless of age, felt constrained to the question:
  • “Have you recently lost weight unwillingly?“, answering with “No, unfortunately not!“
  • A very special engagement, which should not go unmentioned, refers to the visited people with a migrant background: The volunteer participants are invited to a meeting in a community; an interpreter translates the questionnaire in cooperation with the interviewer for several hours. This involves understanding the developed questions, less interpretation, enough empathy, patient listening and focused work for all involved. All this effort, so that the most accurate cross-section of the district comes about.
  • A particularly emotional event for the interviewee and the interviewer is the gain of realization, the vehement intensity that can flow through a person when he suddenly becomes aware of his situation and loneliness. The shattering weeping of abandonment and transience of itself.
  • Or the following amusing surprise:
  • During the balance test it was simply shown that, a very old lady can easily stand on one leg because she has been doing gymnastics in bed for many years.

Prevention and the WIPP Project on the political agenda

On May 23, the new Political Prevention and Senior Committee was gathered to hear about the general prevention efforts in the health and elderly area of Slagelse municipality. Therefore, the WIPP project was of course also on the agenda. The Prevention and Senior Committee consists of seven of the total 31 politicians in the city council of Slagelse. The WIPP project was presented as a holistic project that brings together the regional possibilities, visions and goals with the project of the Municipality of Slagelse. Politicians were very interested in the project and are looking forward to read the project’s forthcoming mid-term review.



WIPP on a study trip in Slagelse

Wednesday 6. June, representatives of the WIPP project were studying the Ringparken in Slagelse to inspire the project’s Timebanking concept. Here was the Work Package Manager for Work Package 5, Esbjerg Municipality, and a working group composed of employees from Slagelse Municipality and SDU visited the network partner, the Association for Multicultural Care Homes, and the “Actionplan” for Ringpark. The association for multicultural care homes and the “General Plan” for the Ring Park, together with local volunteers, has created a place called “the Change” (Bytteringen). The change is a place where local residents in the Ring Park can meet and exchange things and services with each other. The concept of “the change” is less about the Timebanking concept, and the WIPP working group was thus visited to find inspiration for the development of the WIPP timebanking concept.


Sustainable effects of WIPP: Requirements are already being created

Sustainable effects can arise if the living conditions are permanently healthily designed in such a way that people can go their own personal way to more well-being by strengthening their abilities and possibilities. And even more, there is a high chance of continuous improvement if sustainability is considered in every step of the project. The question “How does this pathway continue after the end of WIPP?” is answered in each project phase.

The first step was already taken in the planning of the survey and evaluation of the home visits: The analyzes of the actual needs are the basis for further planning. If we know what senior citizens really need in the individual parts of the city and what skills they have in order to be able to live self-determined and healthy as long as possible, measures can be developed to meet their needs.

The action plans are planned in the districts in such a way that given structures and local conditions are used for implementation. Already in the planning of the action plans, it is considered how it will continue after WIPP. E.g. a request for a physical activity offer is that it can be carried out after the end of the project by the companies and the criteria for financing by the statutory health insurances are fulfilled.

Participants should also be guided and motivated to take part in physical activity additional to the course units. These aspects are already considered during the program development in cooperation with the network partner National Sports Association (LSV). Due to its nationwide networking with the sports networks, the LSV can offer the physical activity course developed in WIPP in other municipalities and thus contribute significantly to the long-term quality assurance.

Kerstin Berszuck, AOK NORDWEST (responsible for securing sustainability and continuity (Work Package 6))

WIPP-Health and process innovation combined with applied research

Within the framework of the new EU law on data protection for persons (DSGVO), the WIPP project chose to use a new data platform. The months of hard work on the implementation of the data protection ordinance, the configuration of the data platform and project adjustments were successful.

The project works with the process innovation for prevention among citizens aged 65 years and older. Digital solutions/models are used to ensure a long-term and cost-effective prevention of health work in the future and enable to reach a large number of people.

With the help of 1600 participating citizens spread over 4 cities in Denmark and Germany, digitally valuable personal health data are collected, which are used to identify potential health risks and to promote preventive changes in lifestyle. It is very important that the project has a data collection tool that can collect and store the data, the fuel of the project, safely and effectively.

WIPP decided to use the digital platform RedCap Cloud www.redcapcloud.com which is provided by the Syddansk University (SDU). RedCap Cloud already has many years of technological experience in clinical research and is a flexible and accessible data platform that can be used for many different types of data collection.

Citizens, who participate in preventive visits of the WIPP project, already know that the responses of the project questionnaires and tests are directly collected in the municipal database -and can also be used directly if the health profile and the proposals for changes in lifestyle are adequately.

In the future municipalities and other health-promoting organizations will be able to use the experience of the project as an integral part of a prevention, which corresponds to the need of citizens. In Denmark with the well-known e-box solution as emphasized.

Kienbaum Evaluation at Europa-University Flensburg

On June 8th, 2018, an interim evaluation of the WIPP project funded by Interreg took place at the Europa-Universität Flensburg (EUF), which was prepared and directed by the professional Kienbaum Consultants International GmbH. Overall purpose of the workshop was to learn from the previous experience of the project partners. Therefore, experiences of former INTERREG projects were summarized and presented by Kienbaum. Accordingly, results of 75  ongoing evaluations are gathered by Kienbaum.  so future INTERREG projects can benefit from those experiences. The EUF hosted the meeting and welcomed the project partners in their premises. The discussion board concluded that the competencies of the participating partners and network partners are diverse and adequately represented in order to achieve the project aims. A major interim result was that several regional health care players worked together, who had previously taken care of the health concerns of citizens independently of each other (dissolution of parallel structures). Moreover, with the help of the cross-border WIPP project, the local politics focus on the health situation of older citizens increased. Thus, WIPP makes an important contribution to the promotion of sustainable structures.


The intervention of the WIPP project: Expansion of the Kiel network

Partners of the Kiel sports and healthsector get involved in the WIPP project with their different strengths. In working groups practical knowledge and different perspectives are exchanged by using existing network structures. In result there is a positive extension of the possibilities of our WIPP family.

On the German side, the cooperation of several partners can be well illustrated by the practical implementation of the WIPP intervention. This working group consists of two project partners (PP) and one network partner (NP). The Landessportverband Schleswig-Holstein e.V. (LSV; NP), the AOK NORDWEST (AOK; PP) and the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU; PP) work very closely together.

In the working group, the possibilities of implementing the WIPP intervention are discussed and the necessary structures are considered. Due to several experiences and good contacts to sport clubs the LSV provides a very important structural and practice-related starting point. The WIPP interventions build on this and integrate the requirements of the CAU, which in turn ensures that the requirements of the scientific working group of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) are met. The basis for the implementation of the WIPP intervention is provided by the AOK NORDWEST, which contributes many ideas for the current and long-term implementation of the WIPP intervention and at the same time prepares the financial framework.

Through this close network structures are already created that should work together in the future to help the WIPP Project to be sustainable and to be implemented in other regions.

Public Relations at the Karl-Heinz-Howe-Simon-Fiedler-Stiftung

In order for the Interreg project to become popular and for the Howe-Fiedler-Stiftung to find enough volunteers, the foundation was visiting various local councils in the city of Kiel.

The state capital Kiel has 18 local councils, which have the following tasks:

  • They participate in district-based decisions.
  • They will be informed and consulted by the administration on all important local projects of the city.
  • They discuss current topics of the district with inclusion of the inhabitants.

For the Howe-Fiedler-Stiftung, the consultation of local residents is an important factor which is good for public relations. The foundation has held lectures in the local advisory board Gaarden, in the local advisory board Neumühlen-Dietrichsdorf, in the Local advisory board Ellerbek/Wellingdorf and in the local advisory council Elmschenhagen/Kroog, who also informs about the WIPP project for healthy ageing. Furthermore the local press (Kieler Nachrichten) published on the 26th of April 2018 an article with the headline:

„Are there enough offers for senior citizens on the eastern Shore?“

The media attention unfortunately did not have the desired effect of numerous feedback from volunteers. However, it is very important that the Howe-Fiedler-Stuftung receives a trustful response.

In addition to the administrative units to be inspected, the foundation invites visitors to information events with coffee and cakes in cooperation with network partners. This has already been implemented with the Diakonie Altholstein in Gaarden and in Ellerbek. The presentation of the project WIPP and the presentation of the interviewers are also be focused.

The Howe-Fiedler-Stiftung is constantly WIPP-to-date.

The preventive Conversations in Workpackage 5 (WP5) – Kommune Esbjerg

There has been a breakthrough in Workpackage 5 concerning the RedCabCloud RCC, the technological platform that contains the questionnaires and tests. We call it breakthrough because we expect the last transaction this week. This means that the development work on the content and digitization of the questionnaires and tests is about to be completed. We are therefore prepared to conduct preventive homevisits within the framework of the WIPP criteria. We are looking forward to the first good results of the digitized method. Will we recruite more citizens who are willing to take part at the preventive homevisit? Will we be more aware of the citizens’ challenges than before the WIPP project? Is the preventive conversation more qualified? Will the healthy life years actually increase? That is exactly what we need to find out together with WIPP!


WP5 and the upcoming tasks- Webinar and Timebanking

Since the RCC has started, we can concentrate on the technological part of the interventions in WP5 now. We are currently working on a cooperation agreement for the development of a webinar platform for digital training. We have focused on functional health in the webinar, which is to be held in both German and Danish. We will report on this part of the work in WP5 more detailed in the forthcoming newsletter. It will be an exciting task to test and start the digital training.

Another project in WP5 is the Timebanking. Timebanking is an exchange system of social benefits, often organized in form of a member association. Timebanking brings people together so they can help and support each other. The social benefits can be quite different e.g. do a telephone call, go shopping, cleaning up and much more.

Our current task is to find the right platform for it. Timebanking can have many different faces. In WP5 we explore the possibilities to find a method that is best suited for the WIPP project. For this, we work closely together with our main partner of the Syddansk University (SDU). The SDU enables IT developers to adapt an existing platform to WIPP. As in the webinar, it is also important that we develop a Timebanking that can be used in Germany as well as in Denmark.

This was a small update of the Workpackage 5 (WP5) and West-Denmark Kommune Esbjerg. We look forward to reporting further new findings during the course of the year 2018.


Research Day 2018 at Syddansk University

On the 21st of April the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense opened up their doors for the public at the occasion of Danish Science Festival 2018 (Forskningens Døgn). Interested visitors were introduced to the WIPP project by Odense Kommune and Center for Healthy and Active Ageing (CAHA), who took part in the Festival. The public was invited to learn about the role of preventive home visits, early detection and tailored action plans in the prevention of loss of physical function and independence. They also got an opportunity to experience some of the methods used in WIPP on their own body, as the CAHA team demonstrated scientific approaches to measuring physical capacity and how data from such measurements are translated into valuable knowledge for future interventions and innovations like the WIPP project. More than 120 of the persons who visited the stand stopped for a talk and testing, and throughout the day the stand was bustling with activity. Especially the kids enjoyed the hands-on opportunity while the parents and grandparents got a moment to talk about the project, before being persuaded to give the tests a go.

The purposes of the Danish Science Festival are among others, to establish a meeting point between researchers and the general public, to support the public engagement in research, and to make a showcase on how research and innovation contribute to solving social challenges and issue and. These aims go hand in hand with the quadruple helix approach in the WIPP project, where the public are considered valuable and equal partners together with municipalities, universities and business, in developing effective and sustainable welfare innovations.