The six dimensions of WIPP
The WIPP project is aimed to improve the quality of life through our four key values: social responsibility, health awareness, self-empowerment, and transparency. In order to achieve our goal, we focus on six dimensions. The six dimensions are also called work packages (WP).
- The project management (WP 1)
- Public relations (WP 2)
- Early identification (WP 3)
- Intervention (WP 4)
- Technological innovation (WP 5)
- Implementation and sustainability in short- and long-term perspective (WP 6)
The project management (WP 1) and public relations (WP 2) are superordinate and responsible for the coordination between project and network partners as well as communication with external persons and institutions. On the content level, the early identification (WP 3) and intervention (WP 4) are in the foreground. Technological innovation (WP 5) will support them. A new business model will be developed and implemented by WP 6 based on all results and experiences of the WIPP project. Finally, an advisory board will be implemented during the WIPP project and will after the project period sustain as „The WIPP – A lighthouse of competence“ consisting of all partners of the Quadruple-Helix model . The implementation of „ The WIPP – A lighthouse of competence“will guarantee the sustainability of these established effective structures of primary health care after the end of the WIPP project.